James O’Keefe

FBI Director Questioned about Project Veritas Holder Video in Congress

FBI Director Robert Mueller says "this is the first I've…

House Judiciary Committee Discusses Project Veritas Voter Fraud Video

Rep. Trent Franks, Rep. Steve King and Cleta Mitchell speak…

“Ben Jealous”, “Bill Maher”, and “David Brock” Offered Ballot in Nation’s Capitol

Please make a tax-exempt donation today to ProjectVeritas.com While…

US Attorney General Eric Holder’s Ballot to Vote Offered to Total Stranger

Poll Workers on Primary Day in Washington, DC offer US…



Caught on Tape: Dead People and Clones Offered Ballots in Vermont Primary

On Super Tuesday in Vermont, Poll workers caught on tape…

Registering Tim Tebow and Tom Brady to Vote in Minnesota

ProjectVeritas.com Investigation. Election officials advise…

Uncut NH Voter Fraud Investigation

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Dead People Receive Ballots in NH Primary

Donate to projectveritas.com On January 10th, Project Veritas…