James O’Keefe

Federal employees within the Biden Administration are coming forward to Veritas like never before…

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CNN’s Randi Kaye Doxxes Doctor CNN Claims Is Responsible For Spreading COVID-19 ‘Misinformation’

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LEGAL UPDATE: Project Veritas WILL depose The New York Times UNDER OATH and RECORD all of it!

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RETRACTION #347: American Independent inducted to the Wall of Shame

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Project Veritas Whistleblowers Town Hall – Freedom Fest 2021

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BUSTED: Staff and Security Swoop In As AOC Flees When Questioned by Project Veritas Journalist

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UNBELIEVABLE: YouTube takes down Veritas video after CNN contacts them on “copyright” grounds

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#ExposeHasbro Critical Race Theory Whistleblower David Johnson Goes MAINSTREAM!

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The Conscious Kid Releases Statement That Veritas Made “FALSE CLAIMS” – Hasbro Insider responds!

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Hasbro CRT Whistleblower RESPONDS to Hasbro Official Statement – Says Training Was MANDATORY!

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