James O’Keefe

#CNNTapes: General Counsel David Vigilante SLAMS Fox News as Racist And Uninformed – UPDATED

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#CNNTapes: CNN President Jeff Zucker BLASTS Trump & Republicans on 9am Call with Senior Leadership

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#CNNTapes: CNN’s Jamie Gangel Details How Network Should Cover Up Trump’s Contested Election Claims

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Going through HUNDREDS of hours of CNN 9am calls… #CNNTapes start dropping at 7pm Eastern TONIGHT!

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Millis, MA Town Clerk CONFIRMS GLITCH That Sent Mail-In-Ballots To Voters That Didn’t Request Them!

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James O’Keefe confronts Pittsburgh University Professor Stephan Robar after calling Veritas “Crap”

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GA Recount Auditors Call Multiple Ballots For Joe Biden That Were Actually Marked For Donald Trump

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RETRACTION #327: William LeGate forced to RETRACT claim that we paid USPS Whistleblower

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