OLD-TIMERS’ DISEASE? Joe Biden Thinks He’s Running for Senate | The News & Why It Matters | Ep 478

Chris Cuomo pressed Bernie Sanders on his comments on Fidel…

Everything You’re Being Told About Bernie Sanders is Wrong | Steve Deace Show

Bernie Sanders didn't "hijack" the Democratic Party --…

Harvey Weinstein’s Guilty Verdict and the Women Who Spoke out | Pat Gray Unleashed

Pat Gray discusses Harvey Weinstein being declared guilty…

Trump Clashes With Jim Acosta Over CNN’s Record on “Truth”

President Trump clashed with Jim Acosta again after the…

Bernie Wins BIG in NV, Follows It Up by Praising Fidel Castro | The News & Why It Matters | Ep 477

Bernie Sanders wins big in Nevada, then follows it up by…

Trump Draws 100K+ Crowd at Stadium for Massive India Rally

President Trump drew a MASSIVE crowd in India while attending…

Don’t Let Far-Left Tyrants Destroy Our Country | Wilkow

Wilkow argues Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam is more than…

Biden Campaign CRUMBLING Right Before Our Very Eyes | The News & Why It Matters | Ep 476

Joe Biden's campaign is looking worse every day. Should…

This Week in Democrats Say | Steve Deace Show

From AOC to Pete Buttigeig, Democrats this week have said…

Black Bishop TAKES DOWN Hillary Clinton and Planned Parenthood | Pat Gray Unleashed

Bishop Patrick Wooden Sr. preaches a great sermon about…