What Was the Point of Jesus’ Temptation? (Response to reallifeistoflat)
Luke 4, Matthew 4
Tough Conditioning (Luke 4:1-13) | TMBH Luke #15
I got tested by a mean man with a bucket of tennis balls;…
All About Apollos of Alexandria
Ginormous thank you to everyone who supports the program!…
9 Ways to Read the Bible Wrong
Like pretty much everything, I could be completely wrong…
Is the Bible Wrong About the Sermon On the Mount and the Sermon On the Plain? (From Israel)
Here's an opinion: I think sometimes we learn more about…
Should the Bible Be Taken Literally?
This is an awfully loaded question. Let's see if we can…
Mega-Ultra Superhero Landing Supercut (Watch With Headphones)
Mega-ultra superhero, three-point landing montage supercut!
First Century Superhero Landing (Luke 3:15-38) | TMBH Luke #14
Want to see that Superhero Landing Megacut in its own video?…
The Most Important Dump In the Bible
The most important dump in the Bible occurred in 1 Samuel…
Why Can’t We Agree On What the Bible Means?
Why is everybody always arguing about the Bible? Who’s…