How I #HearHim: Elder Gary E. Stevenson

Our beloved prophet has recently invited us to “think…

Feeling the Lord’s Love and Goodness in Trials

When Darlyn learned of her illness, she feared she would…

Sharing the Gospel In Challenging Times — Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf

How do you share the Gospel during a global pandemic? Elder…

Accolade: For Every Woman and Mother

Motherhood doesn’t come with an award or accolade to…

How I #HearHim: Sister Jean B. Bingham

Sister Jean B. Bingham learned to hear Jesus Christ's voice…

The Goal: A Story of Faith, Friendship and Forgiveness

This humorous video depicts the spiritual journey two friends…

President Russell M. Nelson Encourages Caution as the Church Looks Forward Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

President Russell M. Nelson gives a message of comfort…

Take Time to Talk: Communication in Marriage

Maria Luisa Torres and David J. Torres talk about communication…

BYU Women’s Conference 2020

The 2020 BYU Women’s Conference, cosponsored by Brigham…

Gather to be Perfected but Not Perfect

Gaylamarie Rosenberg explains the difference between perfectionism…