Handling Emotions and Life’s Demands When Dealing with a Spouse’s Pornography Use

It’s OK to have a strong emotional reaction when you…

How to Find Peace from God When Your Spouse Uses Pornography

Understand that you are not responsible for your spouse's…

Dealing with Strong Emotions after Discovering Your Spouse’s Pornography Use

Discovering that your spouse has a pornography problem…

Setting Boundaries When Your Spouse Struggles with Pornography

Set boundaries in your relationship to protect your emotions…

How to Help Your Child Repent After Using Pornography

Teach your child the power in repentance, especially after…

Helping Your Child Progress Spiritually after Pornography Use

When youth struggle with pornography use, it’s possible…

How Do I Support My Child through Pornography Relapses?

Relapses and setbacks are going to be a part of your child’s…

Why You Should Reach Out When Your Spouse Uses Pornography

If your spouse has a pornography habit, you have a right…

What to Consider When Deciding Who to Talk to about Your Spouse’s Pornography Use

It’s important for spouses of pornography users to get…

Finding Confidence in God’s Love When Your Spouse Uses Pornography

After you discover that your spouse has used pornography,…