Setting Goals to Overcome Pornography

Anyone with a challenge—whether it is a challenge with…

Recovering from Pornography Use

An important part of recovering from porn usage and finding…

Did Joseph Smith Use A Seer Stone? | Now You Know

God often uses ordinary objects to accomplish extraordinary…

Talking About Sexual Abuse | His Grace

It can be really hard to talk about being sexually abused.…

A Flood of Rescuers

Emergency preparedness can allow you to be ready and to…

Special Witnesses of Christ – Elder Gerrit W. Gong

God’s love fills the universe yet it's personal to us.…

Special Witnesses of Christ – Elder Ulisses Soares

Elder Soares invites us to keep the spirit of Christmas…

Native American Oral Histories

As the Native American population ages, FamilySearch seeks…

Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People? | His Grace

Brock worked hard to support his family. And when his career…

One More Day to Live—What Would You Do?

If you were given only one more day to live, what would…