The Armor of God

Saints should put on the whole armor of God. Ephesians…

The Truth Restored

From an address by Elder Richard J. Maynes, a member of…

The Jungle Book (2016) Review – What Did It Mean?

- No Spoilers - This review skips the technical stuff and…

How to help refugees: Volunteer at a Local School

For many refugees coming to the United States, the language…

Watching a Cow Get Shot (Acts 15:22-25) | TMBH Acts #66

Here's the two links so you can participate in the 50/50…

Share #HisDay

Each week He gives us a day for the most important things.…

Godly Sorrow Worketh Repentance

Godly sorrow for sin leads to repentance. 2 Corinthians…

Life’s Drama

In matters both temporal and spiritual, the opportunity…

Be a Sincere Friend

Fatou, a refugee from Ivory Coast, and Toni share a love…

Be Still, My Soul – Music Video

When life seems to fall apart and hope seems to disappear,…