Thoughts After Visiting a United Methodist Church

Thanks to Wesley Monument United Methodist Church and Pastor…

New & Everlasting Covenant… of Marriage?

Explore the documentation behind the claim that marriage…

An Outsider Visits a Legendary United Methodist Church

Here's a Church Unity Project Video about the United Methodist…

EP3: “New & Everlasting Covenant”

Why did the early saints never succeed at establishing…

Aaronic Priesthood Origins

In this interview with Michael Barrett (Restored Gospel…

Who Was Darius the Mede?

Here's the link to the Ten Minute Bible Hour Podcast where…

EP2: “Broken Heart & Contrite Spirit”

Under the Law of Moses, burnt offerings were required to…

Press Conference After Daniel Didn’t Get Eaten By Lions

Think about this, some people on the Internet voluntarily…

EP1: “Promise of Eternal Life”

The great and abominable church would have you believe…

How Bible Covers and Binding Are Designed

Jennifer is the lady who designs the Bible covers at Tyndale…