Honor People’s Agency

Elder Bednar says teachers must honor students' agency.…

Inviting Learners to Act

Brother Osguthorpe asks Elder Bednar how teachers can get…

Elder Marlin K. Jensen – Stand in the Sacred Grove

Elder Marlin K. Jensen speaks at a CES devotional for young…

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland – Israel, Israel, God is Calling

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland speaks at a CES devotional for…

Jesus Forgives Sins and Heals a Man Stricken with Palsy

Watch More Bible Videos Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qq7NFiZL6ak&list=PL4A73DDEE675FBC39 Jesus…

The Mailbox

The Mailbox, 1977 Every delivery day, 83 year-old Lethe…

The Will of God

http://mormonchannel.org/mormon-messages God uses love-inspired…

Brigham City Temple Art

Inside the newly completed Brigham City Temple are beautiful…

Fear Not Silence

Elder Bednar says that the Holy Ghost is the teacher. Teachers…

Create a Pattern of Acting

Elder Bednar says effective teaching is listening and observing…