Jesus Is: Lord, Liar, Lunatic…..Or Maybe Mistaken?

Was Jesus a liar? A crazy man? Or God in the flesh? This…

Origins of LDS Polygamy: Samuel Smith & Orson Hyde’s Missionary Journals Among the Cochranites

What are the real origins of LDS polygamy? Where did it…

How I Hear God’s Voice

Jamila is the only deaf person in her family. Using sign…

Is Violence In the Name of the Church Forbidden in Catholicism? A Catholic and a Protestant Talk

This is a VERY tough question to work through, and I so…

Analyzing LDS Church History

Five major factors should be considered before one commits…

Intro to the Hemlock Knots Show

An introduction to the Hemlock Knots show. We cover the…

Praying to the Saints? A Catholic and a Protestant Talk

Dr. Jeremy Holmes and I talk about Mary, the Catholic doctrine…

Worldwide Devotional for Young Adults with Elder and Sister Stevenson

Elder Gary E. Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles…

How I #HearHim: Elder Quentin L. Cook

How do you #HearHim? Elder Quentin L. Cook says the Lord…

Failed Messiahs From the Time of Jesus

Tons of wannabe messiahs had already come and gone by the…