Realizing What God Has Done, How Could I Not Help? | His Hands

When Jose offered an apple to a lady digging through trash,…

Dark night of the soul spiritual awakening – Tyce Chamberlain

One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of…

Your Great Adventure: Overcoming Life’s Obstacles

When an experienced runner decides to train for a 100-mile…

The Word Evangelical Is Dead

When a word comes to mean everything, it actually means…

How to Remember Those in the Back Room of Our Lives | His Hands

Sometimes we get so busy that we forget those in the background…

Invitation for Children to First-Ever Friend to Friend Event

An invitation for children, parents, and Primary leaders…

Keep it simple – The Power of Now – spiritual awakening

The mind is ancient and your attention doesn't need to…

How I #HearHim | Sister Joy D. Jones

How do you #HearHim? Sister Joy D. Jones says that we can…

Doing Something for Someone Else Changed Me | His Hands

When she was grieving that a friend was about to return…

What Are Evangelicals Trying to Do?

Evangelical can mean a lot of things, and I've been interested…