God Wants You to Pray | His Grace
After a time of deep anger and giving up on prayer for…

The New Normal??? – Tyce Chamberlain
Listen up life is too short in this physical reality to…

A Protestant Asks a Catholic Theologian About Mary
Dr. Jeremy Holmes (a Catholic) and I (a Protestant) are…

Young Adult Face to Face with Elder and Sister Rasband
SUBSCRIBE to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints…

Who Actually Wrote the Gospels?
Here's an introduction to the debate over who was actually…

How I #HearHim | Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf
"When I'm grateful for what the Lord has given me, this…

The Miracle of Hope | Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
Through trials, turmoil, and even when facing the most…

10 Benefits of High Vibes! – Tyce Chamberlain
You Vibe Attracts your Tribe! Let me share with you 10…

What Do Coptic Christians Believe? (More Conversation Between a Protestant and a Coptic Priest)
Here's the second half of my conversation with Father James…

First LDS Polygamist: Joseph or Brigham?
Reconsidering the LDS Church's established narrative on…