Tomb Raiding the Bible (Known Burial Locations of Biblical Figures)

Do we know for sure where any of the burial locations (or…

Romantic Comedy-Level Desperation (Luke 5:17-26) | TMBH Luke #19

In Luke 5, Jesus is so popular that a crippled guy can't…

Why Are There Conflicts In the Gospels?

Parts of the Gospels look like they don't line up. Why…

Mystery Chapel

This super-simple building has a whole lot of meaning behind…

Prophet Testifies of Jesus Christ in Southeast Asia

President Russell M. Nelson of The Church of Jesus Christ…

Face to Face with Elder Gerrit W. Gong

On November 17, 2019, Elder Gerrit W. Gong and three general…

Is Lutheranism the True Catholic Church? (and other stuff with a Lutheran Theologian)

This is the third video from my visit to the heartland…

Seeking God After the 2010 Haiti Earthquake | Hope Works

Seven seconds is a short amount of time unless a 7.0 magnitude…

Turning to God: Lessons from Falling | Hope Works

MaKenna was a gymnast for 21 years. She loved competing,…

Using Your Trials To Help Others | Hope Works

On a spring day in 2008, Molly’s two-year-old daughter…