We Don’t Need to Be the Same to Be One

In the beginning God made Heaven and Earth, light and dark,…

Are There Secret Sayings of Jesus? (The Agrapha)

Agrapha is the term for sayings of Jesus that aren't recorded…

Spiritual Eclipse

Life’s distractions may eclipse heaven’s light if we…

How to Become a Christian

You decide to follow Jesus. SOURCE

One in Christ

In a recent General Conference talk, Elder Ulisses Soares…

A Protestant Talks With a Catholic Priest

I'm a Protestant, and I wanted to learn more about what…

The Holy Bible: A Witness of Jesus Christ | Now You Know

Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints…

How the Church of Jesus Christ Is Organized | Now You Know

Jesus Christ is the head of The Church of Jesus Christ…

What Happens to Our Bodies and Spirits After We Die? | Now You Know

Everyone is born and everyone will die, but birth was not…

A Protestant Tours a Catholic Cathedral

I went to the Cathedral of the Madeleine in Salt Lake City,…