Does Jesus Care How Much Stuff You Have?

Matthew 6 - The Sermon on the Mount - Treasures in Heaven/Do…

Is There More to the Lord’s Prayer Than Meets the Eye?

The Lord's Prayer is important for a lot of reasons, and…

Why Is Jesus Against Doing Religious Stuff in Public?

Matthew 6 - the Sermon on the Mount This series is happening…

Reach Up to Him in Faith

Today, we’re faced with unique challenges. It’s comforting…

Hate is Murder? Lust is Adultery? What Does Jesus Mean?

The Sermon on the Mount takes a brutally challenging turn…

What Did Jesus Mean When He Said He Would Fulfill the Law?

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the…

The Beatitudes: List of Rules or Other-Worldly Manifesto?


Trusting the Lord’s Timing

As a young woman, Lisa eagerly anticipated the day she’d…

Luz de las Naciones: My Family, Mi Herencia

Watch: Luz de las Naciones: My Family, Mi Herencia Subscribe…

Is the Sermon on the Mount the Most Important Part of the Bible?

This is the first of ten in-depth conversations about the…