How to Foster Feelings of Belonging Within Ourselves and Others

Everyone wants to feel like they belong, and God and Jesus…

“Broken” and “Where Can I Turn for Peace?” – Nadia Khristean

Nadia Khristean performs her original song "Broken" on…

Whatsoever He Saith

Elder Whitney L. Clayton of the Seventy points out how…

Your Story Is a Big Deal (Acts 26) | TMBH Acts #90

In Acts 26 Paul relies on his story to accomplish something…

“Savior, Redeemer of My Soul” and “Angels Over Me” – Yahosh Bonner

In this episode, Yahosh Bonner performs an original song,…

Christian Avoids Getting Knifed (Acts 25) | TMBH Acts #89

So many people want to knife Paul to death, but in Acts…

“Freckles” and “I Stand All Amazed”-Maddie Wilson

Maddie Wilson performs her original song "Freckles" on…

How to Teach Your Kids About the Joy and Importance of Parenthood

Parenthood is the perhaps the most important and challenging…

“At the Heart of it”, and “Why I Believe”- Bianca Merkley and Nicole Sheahan

Bianca Merkley sings her original song 'At the Heart of…

Smarmy Bible Lawyering (Acts 24) | TMBH Acts #88

In Acts 24, Paul's defending himself in front of an important…