Parable of the Sower With Matt Fradd (from Pints With Aquinas)
Matt Fradd's a Catholic and I'm a Protestant and we sat…

Is the Lord of the Rings a Christian Story? (With Tolkien Scholar Dr. Steve Fratt)
Get LuLu the Beaver by Bethany Gano at luluthebeaver.com

Jesus Values (Luke 6:20-22) | TMBH Luke #26
Jesus is building a new family of faith from all different…

I Asked a Bunch of Anonymous Pastors What They Actually Want for Pastor Appreciation Month
Pastor/Clergy Appreciation Month happens every October,…

What Is Reformed Theology? (With Presbyterian Minister Ethan Sayler)
If you like this kind of Internet and want to see more…

What Is Presbyterianism?
I'm sitting down with Rev. Ethan Sayler to learn about…

Stump Regrew a Tree
This thing seemed as dead as dead could be and then it…

An Outsider Visits a Presbyterian Church
The Presbyterian Church in America is part of the Reformed…

Turns Out Jesus Was Not a Fad (Luke 6:17-19) | TMBH Luke #25
In Luke 6, Jesus' popularity spikes hard and it starts…

Jesus Is: Lord, Liar, Lunatic…..Or Maybe Mistaken?
Was Jesus a liar? A crazy man? Or God in the flesh?