What Does “O Come All Ye Faithful” Mean? (Including the super-secret mystery verse)
O Come All Ye Faithful is a timeless, cherished Christmas…

Tomb Raiding the Bible (Known Burial Locations of Biblical Figures)
Do we know for sure where any of the burial locations (or…

Romantic Comedy-Level Desperation (Luke 5:17-26) | TMBH Luke #19
In Luke 5, Jesus is so popular that a crippled guy can't…

Why Are There Conflicts In the Gospels?
Parts of the Gospels look like they don't line up. Why…

Mystery Chapel
This super-simple building has a whole lot of meaning behind…

Is Lutheranism the True Catholic Church? (and other stuff with a Lutheran Theologian)
This is the third video from my visit to the heartland…

An Outsider Talks With a Lutheran Theologian (What do Lutherans Believe?)
What do Lutherans believe? I wanted to know, so I visited…

An Outsider Visits a Lutheran Church
The Missouri Synod Lutheran Church was an entirely new…

God Thinks What He Made is Good (And Here’s a Way to Be on Board With That) #teamtrees
https://teamtrees.org/ - Hit the link to demonstrate…

Why Are There Four Gospels?
If you like what's going on here, you'll probably love…