How We Know Jesus and the Early Church Existed
How do we know things about the distant past? How do we…

Early Sources on Jesus and the Early Church (Part 2 of 3)
We're briefly stepping away from the book of Acts this…

Early Sources on Jesus and the Early Church (Part 1 of 3)
We're briefly stepping away from the book of Acts this…

TMBH 500 Subscriber Thank You Video
The Ten Minute Bible Hour's been up and running for two…

Hold on Loosely. Really Really Loosely. (Acts 4:32-37) | TMBH Acts #16
Few things paint a more complete picture of what people…

Like Water Off A Nearly-Flogged Duck’s Back (Acts 4:23-31) | TMBH Acts #15
Will the fledgling Jerusalem church wilt when they find…

Think What We Say to Think or We’ll Make You Think It! (Acts 4:1-22 pt 2) | TMBH Acts #14
Part 2 of Acts 4:1-22. A crippled guy just got healed in…

Think What We Say to Think or We’ll Make You Think It! (Acts 4:1-22 pt 1) | TMBH Acts #13
A crippled guy just got healed in front of everyone, but…

Sweet, Hot, Dirty Vengeance…Or Apparently Not (Acts 3:11-26) | TMBH Acts #12
Peter just healed a guy who'd been crippled since forever,…

What If Joe Theismann Got Up? (Acts 3:1-10) | TMBH Acts #11
Episode 11 is about a crippled beggar who got dumped outside…