How to Grow Your Organization by 2,000% in One Hour! (Acts 2:37-47 pt 2 ) | TMBH Acts #10
In the second half of this two-part episode we'll hear…

How to Grow Your Organization by 2,000% in One Hour! (Acts 2:37-47 pt 1) | TMBH Acts #9
In the first half of this two-part episode we'll hear what…

So About Those Fireballs Over Our Heads Just Now… (Acts 2:14-36) | TMBH Acts #8
Here in episode 8 I take a look at Peter's message to the…

Dude I Got No Idea What You’re Saying. Wait. Check That. I Do. (Acts 2:1-13) | TMBH Acts #7
In this episode of the Ten Minute Bible Hour we look at…

On Religious Roster Management (Acts 1:12-26) | TMBH Acts #6
So Judas hung himself and now the disciples find themselves…

Well Super. Who’s Gonna Clean That Up Judas? (Acts 1:12-26) | TMBH Acts #5
So Judas hung himself and now the disciples find themselves…

You Can Only Gawk For So Long (Acts 1:6-11) | TMBH Acts #4
Jesus ascends into heaven and the disciples can't stop…

Do I Have To See the First One to Get the Sequel? (Acts 1:1-5) | TMBH Acts #3
A lot of people think the Bible's pretty confusing, and…

Introduction to Acts pt 2 | TMBH Acts #2
This is the second episode in my series on the book of…

Introduction to Acts pt 1 | TMBH Acts #1
This is the first episode in my series on the book of Acts…