CCP: ‘These Viruses Come Without a Shadow and Leave Without a Trace’ | Trailer | Truth Over News

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Hot on the heels of the brand new study that puts the odds of COVID-19 having a natural origin at less than one in 100 million, the Senate has now released its own report on its origins.

The report was written by the Republican minority on the Senate Committee on Health Education, Labor and Pensions, once again underlining the stark political divide on what should be a purely scientific issue.

The report concludes that the “pandemic was most likely the result of a research-related incident.” Much of the evidence was accumulated over the past three years but there are also new revelations about CCP involvement with the lab and a secret report admitting that a “biosafety problem had occurred at the time Covid-19 broke out.” Stunningly, Xi Jinping is said to have personally ordered that the lab be admonished in Nov. 2019.

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CCP on Wuhan Biosecurity Breach: ‘These Viruses Come Without a Shadow and Leave Without a Trace’ | Trailer | Truth Over News
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