Constitutional Sheriffs- Interview Preview with Richard Mack

In this interview, Mack details the action steps you can take to make sure your sheriff is safeguarding your Constitutional rights and protecting your civil liberties against unlawful government overreach.

• Your local sheriff is in charge of enforcing the laws laid down by your state legislature, city or county councils and executive orders made by your state’s governor. If you do not have a sheriff who knows the Constitution and adheres to it, you could end up at the mercy of tyrannical government officials
• One area where your local sheriff might end up playing a crucial role is if they roll out forced COVID-19 vaccinations. Were rules or laws enacted saying you must get vaccinated or be barred from various locations, your sheriff could refuse to enforce them
• Your sheriff should safeguard your Constitutional rights and protect your civil liberties against unlawful government overreach. Many, however, lack the proper training
• The purpose of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA) is to create a partnership between the people, the sheriff and the local law enforcement chiefs, to make sure county sheriffs are trained on Constitutional rights and their own role as guardians of the Constitution and protectors of civil liberties
• If enough people get involved, we can create Constitutional counties and take back America, county by county, one sheriff at a time. Eventually, all the police forces will be on the same page as well, and will no longer enforce unlawful, unconstitutional orders, whatever they might be

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