“Do You Hear What I Hear?” and “Mary Holds Him” – Nashville Tribute Band

The Nashville Tribute Band was founded by record producer Jason Deere and pianist Dan Truman, also a member of the popular country group Diamond Rio. In this recording session at Mormon Channel Studio, the band puts their own spin on the Christmas song “Do You Hear What I Hear?” They also share an original tune, “Mary Holds Him.”

“It was a special kind of opportunity to try to take some old Christmas songs that we’ve heard our whole lives and kind of make them our own. As we went through that process, we broke down this song, ‘Do You Hear What I Hear?’. It kind of felt like it was perfect for Christmas, and Christmas is perfect for what we need right now,” says one member.

Each of the band members has either lived in Nashville or is living there now. How does Christmas in the South differ from Christmas in the west, where many of them have also lived?

“In our stockings, we get fried chicken and waffles,” they joke.

In the second song they perform, the band sings about the significance of Mary’s life as the Mother of Jesus, whom she never stopped holding, even when he was no longer a baby.

Mormon Channel Studio is a weekly video series featuring hymn arrangements and original music by LDS musicians from across the nation.”

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