DOJ Targeted Senior Congressional Staffers Assisting With Congressional Oversight of DOJ | Trailer

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On Oct. 24, Empower Oversight issued a short press release that was initially overlooked by most. The release noted that “Empower Oversight has recently learned the U.S. Department of Justice had subpoenaed the personal phone records and emails of Empower’s founder, Jason Foster, while he worked on Capitol Hill in 2017, along with several other staff, both Democrats and Republicans.”
Although it took some time to gain traction, that small press release set off a firestorm of inquiry. And shined a light into the self-protecting actions of the executive branch of government during the initial phases of the various Congressional investigations into what became known as the Russia Collusion narrative. Also known as SpyGate.
As we’ll see, the Department of Justice was using the cover of “leak investigations” to investigate those who were actually investigating them. A highly coordinated effort to keep real-time tabs on what was being uncovered by investigators for the Congressional GOP.

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DOJ Targeted Senior Congressional Staffers Assisting With Congressional Oversight of DOJ | Trailer

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