EXCLUSIVE: Navy Seals’ Lawyer Explains Expansion of Vaccine Mandate Block | Facts Matter

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Last week, a federal judge issued a ruling, expanding a preliminary injunction—that previously covered 35 Navy SEALs—to now cover approximately 4,000 other sailors seeking religious accommodation against the vaccine mandate.

On the flip side, the U.S. Supreme Court sided with the Pentagon and temporarily granted the department’s request to let U.S. Navy commanders consider COVID-19 vaccination status when deciding whether to deploy Navy SEALs or other Navy Special Warfare personnel.

So, in order to make sense of this case, we sat down with Mike Berry, general counsel for First Liberty Institute, the nonprofit law firm that filed the suit on behalf of the Navy Special Warfare service members, in order to get his take on what’s really happening.

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EXCLUSIVE: Navy Seals’ Lawyer Explains Expansion of Vaccine Mandate Block | Facts Matter
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