From the Very Beginning, the Lab Leak Theory Was the Only Viable Theory | Shorts | Truth Over News

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A recent assessment from the Energy Department found that the COVID-19 virus likely emerged from a Chinese lab. Since that report, the corporate media has pivoted sharply in its coverage of the origin of the pandemic. Previously, any information about a lab origin was rigorously suppressed, but now corporate media organizations are reporting on the likelihood of a lab origin as if their silence over the past three years had never happened.

One media organization that did cover the lab origin story from the outset is The Epoch Times. In April 2020, EpochTV broadcast a documentary on the lab origin theory. Our show has also laid out the overwhelming evidence for the lab leak scenario. In short, information pointing to a lab leak, which the corporate media now claims to be new, is not new at all.

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From the Very Beginning, the Lab Leak Theory Was the Only Viable Theory | Shorts | Truth Over News
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