How Higher Education Was Brought Low | About the Book

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Riots, censorship, harassment, the squelching of free speech—these and more have been occurring on the campuses of colleges and universities across the country. John M. Ellis discusses how in many, if not all, instances the blame should not be placed on the students, but rather the faculties and administrations of the institutions of higher learning. While discussing his book, “The Breakdown of Higher Education,” we’ll see how far those sitting in the ivory towers have fallen, yet remain fully in control of the education of America’s future “best and brightest.”

John M. Ellis is the author of 10 books, including “Literature Lost,” the winner of the Peter Shaw Memorial Award by the National Association of Scholars. He served as the dean of the Graduate Division at the University of California–Santa Cruz from 1977–86 and is currently the distinguished professor emeritus of German Literature. He founded the Association of Literary Scholars and Critics in 1993, and served as president of the California Association of Scholars from 2007–13 and now resides as its chairman of the board.

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How Higher Education Was Brought Low | About the Book
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