Key Signs of Kidney Disease and Steps to Prevent It | Trailer | Vital Signs

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By the time obvious signs of kidney disease appear, “your kidneys are mostly gone,” says best-selling author of “The Diabetes Code,” Dr. Jason Fung.

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) that can lead to kidney failure and the need for dialysis—cleaning and filtering of the blood by machine—impacts an estimated 35.5 million people in the United States, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

“You want to intervene well before … you get to that stage, close to dialysis,” says Dr. Fung, a physician and nephrologist (kidney health specialist).

“If you catch it early enough, you can figure out what’s causing the damage and try to sort of reduce it, or slow it down, or even now, potentially, reverse it a little bit,” he says.

Dr. Fung joins “Vital Signs with Brendon Fallon” to highlight the causes of CKD, how it’s detected, how it’s treated medically, and the diet and lifestyle changes that help to prevent it.

Dr. Guocheng Lu, a nephrologist and nephrological researcher with 30 years of experience, also joins “Vital Signs” to reveal the potential for the traditional Chinese medicine formula Eefooton to reduce kidney damage due to CKD.

Dietary change can reverse type 2 diabetes, which is a key cause of CKD, says Dr. Fung. On “Vital Signs,” he highlights the dietary factors scientifically shown to reverse type 2 diabetes in many patients.

Up Next:
Watch “Anti-Virus Light” on how to tap the sun’s UV and infrared healing power.

Watch “Reverse Type 2 Diabetes?” on the silent dietary factor driving the rise in diabetes | Feat. Dr. Jason Fung

Coming soon:
How the Fasting Mimicking Diet Can Reduce Kidney Damage in CKD on “Vital Signs” | Feat. Dr. Jason Fung

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Key Signs of Kidney Disease and Steps to Prevent It | Trailer | Vital Signs

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