O’Keefe Frames #FakeNews WaPo’s RETRACTION

After the release of Veritas’ American Pravda: CNN videos, Paul Farhi of the Washington Post wrote a hit piece with a factually incorrect claim:

“It also doesn’t disclose that he is based in Atlanta – not in Washington or New York, where most of CNN’s coverage of national affairs and politics are produced.”

In reality, our video plainly states “I’d like to introduce you to CNN Supervising Producer John Bonifield in Atlanta.”

Farhi and the Washington Post at first refused to retract this error. Eventually, falling to pressure from the outside, they conceded and placed a large editor’s note on the top of the article. See the article: https://www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/lifestyle/style/what-you-dont-see-in-okeefe-video-may-be-as-important-as-what-you-do/2017/06/28/dcb67446-5b7c-11e7-a9f6-7c3296387341_story.html

See the full story here: https://www.therebel.media/update_wapo_reporter_retracts_false_statement_about_o_keefe

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