Putting America First Means Putting It Above Politics | Trailer | Over the Target

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With lackluster election results, Republicans are pointing fingers at each other and playing the blame game. But there are more important issues at stake—like how we renew and revitalize our nation and reconnect to our neighbors and fellow Americans. The way forward, says writer and veteran Lafayette Lee, is through the wilderness.

In this inspiring new episode of Over The Target Live, Lafayette Lee speaks with Lee Smith about building the future.

🔴 THE FINAL WAR is a documentary that uncovers the Chinese Communist Party’s 100-year plot to defeat America.👉👉https://ept.ms/3g9rnJi

🔴 A Documentary by The Epoch Times, reveals the truth that has been hidden from the American people.👉👉https://ept.ms/3ocCvVY

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Putting America First Means Putting It Above Politics | Trailer | Over the Target
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