Questions to Ask Anthony Fauci After Federal Judge Orders Him to Be Deposed Under Oath | Trailer

We may soon see a fundamental change in the public narratives that Dr. Anthony Fauci has seeded over the past three years—including his narrative about the origin of the virus, his narrative about his response to the virus, and his efforts to censor and suppress any information that interfered with his narratives.

While we don’t yet know what will happen with promised investigations from Republicans in Congress, we do know that Fauci is scheduled to appear for an under-oath deposition next week with the attorneys general of Louisiana and Missouri.

Fauci has caused tremendous misery and told many lies, not only over the course of the past few years, but dating back to at least 2011 when he was first called out for funding and pushing efforts to create deadly viruses in labs.

We could easily spend days interrogating Fauci about all his deeds and misdeeds, but today we will focus on our top ten questions for Fauci.

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Questions to Ask Anthony Fauci After Federal Judge Orders Him to Be Deposed Under Oath | Trailer | Truth Over News
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