“Stronger By Stress”- Interview Preview with Siim Land

Watch the fuill interview here:

Here, we discuss his latest book, “Stronger by Stress: Adapt to Beneficial Stressors to Improve Your Health and Strengthen the Body,” which came out July 26, 2020. It reviews the really important concepts of hormesis and antifragility.

• If your body is unfit or lacking key nutrients, you’re going to experience chronic stress by chronically overactivating your sympathetic nervous system
• Strategies that promote antifragility make your body stronger from the stress
Intermittent fasting or time-restricted eating allows you to become metabolically flexible and insulin sensitive, which builds your antifragility
• Heat-shock proteins repair misfolded proteins and RNA, increase glutathione and promote autophagy. Cold-shock proteins also activate antioxidant defense mechanisms, while lowering inflammation and oxidative stress
• Using leucine or hydroxy methylbutyrate can allow you to increase your protein synthesis without adding more protein to your diet. You can get away with eating less protein while still getting the benefits of the mTOR stimulation that promotes muscle growth



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