The Left Has a MELTDOWN Over ‘Notorious’ ACB Confirmation | The News & Why It Matters | Ep 650

The Left is struggling to accept that the Senate confirmed Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer going as far as to say it’s “one of the darkest days” in Senate history. Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg buys last-minute ads in Texas for Joe Biden. Is there a chance Texas will turn blue this election? Chaos erupted in Philadelphia Monday night over the police shooting of Walter Wallace Jr., leaving dozens of police officers injured. Is more violence to come? Muslims announced a boycott of French products after President Macron refused to condemn a cartoon of Muhammed. With such a huge Muslim population in France, will Macron hold his ground? And lastly, Newark, New Jersey is instituting a curfew as the coronavirus cases grow. Is a second shutdown just around the corner?

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