These Are the States Affected by Malaria-Carrying Mosquitoes | Trailer | Frontline Health

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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has confirmed cases of malaria in Florida and Texas for the first time in 20 years. The agency advised residents to protect themselves from mosquito bites by using repellent, wearing long sleeves, and wearing long pants.

On another front, thousands of Americans remain without a sense of taste or smell after recovering from COVID-19. These sensory impairments can have profound impacts on daily life, causing decreased eating pleasure, depression, and weight loss. Treatment options, including the use of ivermectin, low-dose naltrexone, omega-3 fatty acids, and anti-clotting therapies, are being explored to help restore these senses, although effectiveness may vary.

Lastly, we delve into the safety concerns surrounding the HPV vaccine Gardasil. In the first two years of its rollout, there were 32 deaths reported, yet the program kept going. Meanwhile, 19 deaths of children in the Philippines caused by a dengue vaccine got the product entirely pulled from the country.

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These Are the States Affected by Malaria-Carrying Mosquitoes | Trailer | Frontline Health

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