These Common Neurological Problems Are Triggered by Gluten | Trailer | Frontline Health

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A lot of people think that symptoms of gluten sensitivity are felt in the gut, but that’s not where most symptoms appear. For a long time now, researchers have known that most cases of gluten sensitivity show themselves in the brain. Some researchers even call gluten sensitivity a neurological disease. Gluten is the most potent trigger for neurological dysfunction and neurological autoimmunity, as noted by a paper published in the World Journal of Gastroenterology.

But bread has been with us for thousands of years. Why is it a problem now?

From the research that’s out there, it’s not so much that gluten itself is the problem. In part, it has to do with how our brain is connected to the gut. And the other part has to do with a well-known pesticide ingredient called glyphosate.

In this episode of Frontline Health, we take a look at the brain symptoms often caused by gluten and the ways glyphosate makes our bread toxic.

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These Common Neurological Problems Are Triggered by Gluten | Trailer | Frontline Health
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