US Officials Jeopardized US National Security by Helping Ukraine, Damage Relations With Russia

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There are many possible reasons being put forth as to why Vladimir Putin chose to go to war with Ukraine. They range from the threat of further NATO expansionā€”which many strategic thinkers and statesmen have been warning about for the past 25 yearsā€”to Putin slipping into irrationality, as the White House is now suggesting, or Ukraineā€™s omnipresent neo-Nazi problems, as has been suggested by the Kremlin.

Contrary to what the corporate media and intelligence officials claimed for five years in relation to the Russiagate scandal, the truth is that we cannot know what is going on in Putinā€™s mind.

But what we do know is the role played by neoconservatives and Americaā€™s political elite in the destabilization of Ukraine and how those efforts also helped to destabilize and destroy U.S. relations with Russia.

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US Officials Jeopardized US National Security by Helping Ukraine, Damage Relations With Russia | Truth Over News
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