What is the ‘Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government’? | Shorts

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Remember the “Disinformation Governance Board” that was announced by the Biden administration in April 2022? Now, the House GOP has created a Select Subcommittee on the “Weaponization of the Federal Government,” which has a counter-effect and a similarly intriguing name.

In this episode, Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.), a member of the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, joins Larry Elder to discuss the dangers of government censorship, the collusion between the FBI and the media, the recently released Twitter files, and how the survival of the system of our government hangs on people’s trust in these government agencies.

Did Affirmative Action help black students? Why do Asians do better in math than whites?

A study called Racial and Ethnic Differences in Homework Time among U.S. Teens found: “African American high school sophomores spent less time on homework than their non-Hispanic White counterparts, while Asian American students spent more than both racial groups of students. They found that family income, parental occupation, and parental education partly accounted for the difference in homework time between African American and White students. Demographic characteristics and family structure, rather than the socioeconomic background, partly accounted for the difference between Asian American and White students.”

Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert, is still under fire for his alleged “racist rant.” Washington Examiner opinion writer Christopher Tremoglie sits down with Elder and dives deep into Adams’s “racist tirade.”

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What is the ‘Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government’? | Shorts | Larry Elder
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