Working Through Emotional Trauma | His Grace

Will emotional trauma ever go away? Addressing it with a professional counselor, praying to God, and talking with trusted friends can ease some pain. In this video Brittany shares her experience with God’s grace and her emotional trauma.

When Brittany was a young teenager, her parents got divorced. The feelings of abandonment were overwhelming. Deeply hurt and longing for acceptance, she ended up in an abusive relationship. Alcohol, starving, and self-harming were just some of the ways in which she tried to cope. But everything she did took her to darker places.

Brittany never felt good enough or lovable enough. It was as if she deserved to be left alone. But one night, while her friends partied, she realized she could not deal with her emotional trauma alone. Alcohol hadn’t helped in the past, and it wouldn’t help now. A thought occurred to her that the Savior, Jesus Christ, could help work through the pain. She wanted to change her life and take the Savior’s hand.

It took time for Brittany to understand her value. Regular therapy visits, prayer, and talking with loved ones helped. Now Brittany consistently works through her trauma in healthier ways.

Hope, healing and support can come in many forms and from a variety of sources, including through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

Can I heal from this?

Am I still of worth?

Where can I turn for support?

Victims need someone to believe them and to provide kind, caring support. If you know or suspect someone is being abused, take steps to protect them, and offer to get them help.

What do I do if I know of or suspect someone is being abused?

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