You NEED to See what Chuck Schumer just said on ‘The View’…
New York Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer’s comments on “The View” show he’s way too cozy with Karl Marx’s ideas, especially when he poked fun at people saying, “I made my money all by myself, how dare your government take my money from me. I don’t want to pay taxes,” acting like it’s selfish instead of standing up for freedom. His goofy take sounds like Marxist talk about spreading wealth around and big government running everything, which flips off what the Founding Fathers — like Thomas Jefferson — wanted. Jefferson himself said, “I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them,” pushing for a small government that doesn’t boss folks around. By laughing at people who hate taxes and meddling, Schumer is all about the Democrats’ love for a huge, nosy government. He’s forgetting he works for the American public, not the other way around, while he stomps on the DIY spirit the Founding Fathers built this country on. His dumb jabs are a red flag for control-happy rules that could screw up America’s liberty, all because Chuck’s too slow to see he’s supposed to serve us, not lord over us.
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