TREX TALK: Building Liberty – Reading List Part 2

Isaac returns to discuss censorship, gun laws, and to finish his recommended reading list of important books.

The Second Amendment Manifesto – John Paine
Slaying Leviathan – Dr. Glenn Sunshine
Great Christian Revolution – Otto Scott
Lex Rex – Samuel Rutherford
Vindiciae Contra Tyrannos – a 1579 Hugenot pamphlet
Magdeburg Confession – The Pastors of Magdeburg
The Christian and the Magistrate – Pierre Viret

Kid’s Books
The Ride of Paul Revere – Longfellow, Ted Rand
Father May I Come – Peter Spier
The Eerie Canal – Peter Spier
The Ox Cart Man – Donald Hall, Barbara Cooney
My Side of the Mountain – Jean Craighead George
What Do People Do All Day – Richard Scarry

Biblical Economics in Comics – Vic Lockman
Economics in One Lesson – Hazlitt
Basic Economics – Thomas Sowell

Diary of an Early American Boy – Eric Sloane
Wealth and Poverty of Nations – David S. Landes
Connections – James Burke
Skunkworks – Ben Rich
My Night with Saddam – Dr. Mark Green

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