Fireside Chat Ep. 142 — How to Defeat the “America Is Racist” Lie

EVERYTHING and every kind of person and belief exist in America. That racists do exist here—just like they exist everywhere—says nothing about the country as a whole. Because this is so important: Here are Dennis Prager’s 5 arguments against the biggest lie of our time—that America is a racist society.

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0:00 Routine Is Critical
2:25 This Episode Is Sponsored By Thinkr
3:23 Arguments Against “America Is Racist”
4:21 Argument #1: Race Hoaxes
6:45 Argument #2: Slavery
8:04 Argument #3: Lies About Race
10:48 Argument #4: Microaggressions
11:51 Argument #5: Immigration To The U.S.
12:52 All Whites Are Racist?
14:07 A Response To White Privilege
17:46 Gay And Conservative?
19:42 Otto Break
21:16 If It Bleeds, It Leads
24:19 Defining Freedom
25:11 The Most Basic Freedom
27:18 Thoughts On The Chilean Rugby Team
29:32 Dennis On Not Losing Hope