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But we are proud to say that T.REX ARMS contributed 514 entries already.
Entries by T.REX ARMS
Daniel Defense H9… is it flat?
/in GUNS, LUCAS BOTKIN/by T.REX ARMSLucas conducting some testing on the new Daniel Defense H9.
New UK SF Issue Vortex LPVO
/in GUNS, LUCAS BOTKIN/by T.REX ARMSA quick look at what the UK SF Vortex LPVO looks like through Triggercam.
M4 Reloads On The Move From Plate Carrier
/in GUNS, LUCAS BOTKIN/by T.REX ARMSLucas demonstrates reloads while moving with the new T.REX Triple Flap Placard.
First Drills To Do At The Range – How To Shoot Part 3
/in GUNS, LUCAS BOTKIN/by T.REX ARMSLucas continues his “How To Shoot” series detailing the first range drills to undertake. Target selection, mechanical offset, and recoil control are among the topics covered. 00:00 Intro 01:07 Target Selection 04:17 Rifle Drills 1 – Getting Out the Jitters 06:40 Mechanical Offset 08:19 Ready Up Drills 10:31 Live Fire Vs. Dry Fire 11:07 Recoil […]
Why You Don't Shoot Steel
/in GUNS, LUCAS BOTKIN/by T.REX ARMSClip from upcoming How To Shoot Part 3: First Drills.