10 Years. We’re Just Getting Started.
New T.REX ARMS Logo rolling out. Stay tuned!
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that T.REX ARMS contributed 501 entries already.
New T.REX ARMS Logo rolling out. Stay tuned!
A few more stage clips from Lucas’ recent match at Brock’s Gap.
Lucas shoots a drill with the PSA Sabre and the MP5SD to see which is faster.
Excerpt from one of the T.REX ARMS Drills videos on the T.REX Training page.
We’ll keep saying it. Civilians should be allowed to have full auto if they want it.
Lucas runs a drill shooting on the move across a “threshold.”
Alex from T&E filmed product videos for 17 medical products now available on our website!
Lucas tests out a new carry gun against another weapon of a more civilized era. 00:00 Overview 03:50 Zeroing 05:26 25M Work 06:28 Sub-second Draws 07:57 Two Target Bill Drill 08:42 XRAY Alpha Drill 08:56 USPSA-Style Stage 10:09 Biggest Difference Between Both Guns 11:56 Instagram Drill! 12:31 People’s Guns Malfunction More Than They Admit 15:13 […]
Lucas shoots a bar hop drill with a full auto Glock.
Lucas shoots a drill for practice on wide target transitions.