Entries by T.REX ARMS

TREX TALK: The History of the Second Amendment

The Second Amendment did not come out of a vacuum. Isaac and David Botkin talk about some of the historical ideas and presuppositions that led to private arms ownership being protected in the Bill of Rights, and the opposing ideas that challenge the concept of an armed citizenry. SOURCE

How We Made the T.REX Conference Table

Somehow Isaac had enough time to carve a dinosaur fossil for the new T.REX ARMS conference table. We’re not sure if it is art or forgery, but here is how we did it! We used EPS foam 3M 77 spray adhesive (not very strong) Touch ‘n Foam HomeSeal (very strong) Duplicolor Undercoat Air-dry Clay Various […]

T.REX TALK: American Independence

A discussion on the main lessons from the War for American Independence, the men who led, and some comparisons to other revolutionary movements before and after. Book Recommendations: Paul Revere’s Ride by David Hackett Fischer 1776 by David McCullough Send in questions to trextalk@trex-arms.com SOURCE

Move, Shoot, and Communicate with ATAK (and alternatives)

ATAK is the Android Tactical Assault Kit, a smartphone app that allows small units to coordinate using map data. It’s freely available to civilians, and worth using, but it’s also worth checking out some alternatives for mapping, navigating, and communicating. At the moment, our favorite offline mapping app is OsmAnd, available for Android and iOS. […]