Entries by T.REX ARMS

Shooting with the Sidecar Holster

Lucas and Steve run some drills with their T.REX ARMS Sidecars. These are the setups they carry with every day. Lucas: Glock 19 + Trijicon RMR + Surefire X300U Steve: Glock 17 + Trijicon RMR + Surefire X300U + Zev Mini Magwell SOURCE

Shooting on the Move with Various Firearms

Lucas Botkin goes over a couple drills to build efficiency and confidence while shooting on the move. He and Steve then run the drills with various rifles and pistol setups. Equipment/firearms used: SOPMOD Block II – Eotech EXPS 3 SOPMOD Block III – Vortex Razor Colt 14.5 – Eotech XPS 2 Custom 10.3s – Eotech […]

I Support the Second Amendment, but…

David Botkin of T.REX ARMS explains some of the historical context behind the second amendment, common law, and the Bill of Rights. T.REX ARMS will always be defenders of the Second Amendment and the clear, original intent of the authors. SOURCE