Entries by BlazeTV

Psaki RUNS OUT OF ROOM When Reporter Asks Savage Questions About Fauci's Lies

Biden’s Press Sec. Jen Psaki rushed out of the room when a reporter asked a savage question about Dr. Fauci’s lies. Watch Biden go off-script with the CRINGIEST moment ever: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PlERZEnkqA #blazetv #psaki #faucilied ► Subscribe to BlazeTV YouTube! https://bit.ly/2KJHuwu ► Join BlazeTV! https://get.blazetv.com/ ► Sign up for our NEWSLETTER: https://theblaze.com/newsletters Connect with us on […]

CRINGE: Biden Has New Word for Tornados | Pat Gray Unleashed

Biden staffers are starting to become more transparent about not wanting him speaking and to simply follow what’s on the teleprompter. To help prove their point, Biden has another puzzling gaffe about tornadoes. WATCH more Pat Gray Unleashed ⬇️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Er4w-Ws45EY #blazetv #biden #patgray ► Subscribe to BlazeTV YouTube! https://bit.ly/2KJHuwu ► Join BlazeTV! https://get.blazetv.com/ ► Sign […]

Mark Levin: It's Time to Reignite Patriotism

In an age where tribalism and dissension divide Americans, it takes two young girls to stir our souls with a recitation of Thomas Paine’s immortal pamphlet, “The American Crisis.” Today, as then, Paine’s passionate rhetoric illuminates the fight to overthrow modern Marxist tyranny. Now, join Mark as he celebrates these outstanding young women and their […]

Biden Goes Off-Script With CRINGIEST Moment Ever As Staffers Panic

Biden’s handlers started to panic today when Biden when off-script with a truly CRINGY moment. #blazetv # bidencringe #biden ► Subscribe to BlazeTV YouTube! https://bit.ly/2KJHuwu ► Join BlazeTV! https://get.blazetv.com/ ► Sign up for our NEWSLETTER: https://theblaze.com/newsletters Connect with us on Social Media: http://twitter.com/BlazeTV http://instagram.com/TheBlazeTV http://facebook.com/BlazeMedia SOURCE

Glenn Beck Explains Who Stopped Afghan Refugees From Leaving | Pat Gray Unleashed

Glenn Beck stops by the show and talks about his recent endeavor into helping Afghan refugees and Americans out of Afghanistan. He reveals that the Taliban weren’t the only group getting in the way of those planes lifting off. WATCH more Pat Gray Unleashed ⬇️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwVjCtRRACg #blazetv #patgray #glennbeck ► Subscribe to BlazeTV YouTube! https://bit.ly/2KJHuwu […]

Biden's Secret Afghanistan Texts REVEALED | LevinTV

Joe Biden clearly embraces political appearance over principle. Even as he assured Americans that Afghanistan was prepared for the withdrawal of U.S. forces, new secrets reveal Biden’s prior knowledge of the Taliban’s gains in Afghanistan. And after preaching that he would “leave no American behind,” new encrypted texts reveal how he abandoned American citizens outside […]