Entries by Breitbart News

MINE, MINE, MINE! Sea Otter Steals Surfer’s Board

Via TMX: “Wildlife officials are working to capture an aggressive sea otter that has been menacing surfers and stealing surfboards off the California coast for several weeks. A video shared by Hefti Brunold shows an encounter between the otter and a surfer off the coast of Santa Cruz on Sunday. The otter can be seen […]

Director Jaco Booyens: Unsecured Borders a Cash Cow to Child Sex Trade

Director Jaco Booyens told Breitbart News in 2018 that an unsecured southern U.S. border emboldens human traffickers, adding that thirty percent of children smuggled across the border are sold into sex slavery. Booyens, a leading advocate against human trafficking, appeared on Breitbart News Daily on Wednesday, July 12, to discuss the hit movie “Sound of Freedom” tackling […]