Entries by Breitbart News

Sen. Chuck Schumer: Amnesty for Illegals is “Only Way We're Going to Have a Great Future in America”

Senate Democrats are urging 10 Senate Republicans to join them in passing an amnesty for millions of illegal aliens, enrolled and eligible for former President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, in the lame-duck Congress. During a press conference on Wednesday, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) joined Sens. Dick Durbin (D-IL), Alex […]

TRAGIC: 25 LA County Sheriff's Recruits Struck by Wrong Way Driver

“Tragedy struck our department,” said LA Sheriff Alex Villanueva at a press conference Wednesday. Earlier in that day, 25 Los Angeles County Sheriff’s recruits were struck by a vehicle going the wrong way while they were on a training run. Five recruits are hospitalized in critical condition as the other 20 are dealing with moderate […]

Woman Robs Houston Gas Station with Gun for PACK OF CIGARETTES

BIZARRE: Houston Police Department released surveillance footage from a gas station showing an unidentified woman entering the store, waving a handgun around, and threatening the cashier. The woman is seen approaching the counter with the gun, demanding a pack of cigarettes, then immediately leaving the store and fleeing in a car. Police are currently investigating […]

Trump: “I Will Immediately Demand Voter ID, Same-Day Voting, and Only Paper Ballots”

After announcing his candidacy for president of the United States on Tuesday at his Mar-a-Lago home, Donald Trump stressed the critical importance of election integrity and promised to deliver key election reforms. “We want all votes counted by election night,” said Trump. “This doesn’t happen in third world countries. They do better than we do.”